The other day I came across an old video from 2014 entitled “The Age of Thermonuclear War is Coming” with Alex Jones and Joel Skousen. What I found startling was the very things they were talking about eight years ago are happening today. Are they prophets? No. Much of what they talked about were happening at the time. Today’s events are an extension of the events of eight years ago.
For example, they discussed the game plan behind the invasion of illegal aliens across our Southern borders. It was happening then and it is happening today, only now on steroids. Trump was a bump in the road. Many have speculated Biden’s presidency is Nobama’s third term. Well, yes and no. Skousen pointed out Nobama was only a figurehead. He was correct. However his handlers are Biden’s handlers. The real difference is Biden is vastly more controllable. He is a true puppet, an entirely empty shell.
Just yesterday, Tucker announced the democrats are getting antsy about Biden’s term in office. The rumblings are there, they are making noises about replacing him. The timing is about right, IF, he is to be replaced. The idea timing, of course is after two years and one day in office. This would give whoever replaces him up to 10 years in office as they would still be eligible to run for two terms in office. Look it up. Does that mean Biden will be replaced at that time? Not necessarily.
As I pointed out before, Biden is as malleable as one can get. The problem is credibility. Malleable as he is, he is also mindless – what little brain he may have had is nearly gone. Certainly he has moments of clarity but these are surfacing less and less. Then there’s that possibility of something happening that no one can predict. In other words, his lights could go out at any moment. This unveils a much larger problem… the VP.
Harris has shown no signs of intelligent life. She cannot string together an intelligible sentence. This is bad enough. Worse, she is relatively young and healthy. And worse yet, she is not nearly as controllable as her president. Strange as it may seem, she could possibly come up with an idea of her own. Granted it is unlikely she would be able to express it in any meaningful way, but again, even random words can sometimes produce a comprehensible sentence. That could result in a big ouchie.
It is clear, Harris cannot replace Biden. Such would be a disaster. The handlers are aiming for a controlled demolition of the nation. At the very least they want to be in a position to quell any “uprising” and install their world government. All of this prelude brings me to the topic for today:
There Will Be War
As I’ve said time and time again, this need not be so. However it is far more likely to happen than not. The globalists want it. They are pushing for it. They will stop at nothing to make it happen. Why? Again, their ultimate goal is a global government. A global government cannot and will not be installed unless the United States of America ceases to exist. Hence, war. WE the People of these United States are resilient. We are resolved. We are determined. At least in theory. What WE are not is knowledgeable. We either do not comprehend or are not willing to do what it takes to reclaim our nation peacefully. While I do not think this is entirely our fault as we’ve been brainwashed from primary school onward and from every direction, few of us actually believe we can win by taking the simplest, non-violent steps. So… war.
War is romantic. War is heroic. War is how our forefathers established our nation. We are fighters. We’ve convinced ourselves it was America that won WWI and WWII. We’ve seen ourselves as THE Powerhouse of the world for so long, we just know we can win this thing. It is all a lie. Certainly an argument can be made that our involvement in the two world wars turned the tide. Of course, we’ve built an awesome military presence over the decades. We’ve won no wars by ourselves. None. Should this nation turn against ourselves, one side or the other will prevail but there will be no winner. The nation will again be devastated. Should the Patriots win, we will be forced to start from scratch and we may never recover. Should the globalists win, well, you can guess what will happen then.
In fact, the globalists may win either way. Imagine a Patriot final victory. What happens next? A provisional government is installed. We would be weakened and possible ripe for a takeover. A world government may then be erected anyway and then not recognize our now rogue nation. We would be a threat to “world peace” and then likely pounced upon by the new world power.
Now consider the scenario put for the Joel Skousen eight years ago. Russia and/or other nuclear nations launch a thermonuclear attack on the US. Skousen thought they would need only to focus on military targets and would likely leave the civilian population alone. Let’s go with that as such would be enough to put our nation in chaos. The solution would be to look for salvation. One way or another, we would hand over our sovereignty for security of some sort, either to a military authority, a reassembled federal government or a world government. How convenient.
What was not said in the above scenario is such an attack would also devastate our economy and thus, the economy of the world. More than anything else, economic upheaval opens the way for political change. Again making conditions ripe for a world government.
Already, we are mentally preparing for a new world war. This one will be different. It is not likely to be prolonged. A few short strikes and the landscape will change dramatically. Keep in mind, the globalists do not care one way or another. If the wars lasted 5-10-20 years, it is all the same to them. Hell, maybe it is better that way because war is profitable. The difference is this time, the end result will be the installation of a world government with the Great Tribulation soon to follow.